F2F Engagement Mechanism
Donors may provide assistance to families in Tigray in two ways:
Pooled Family-to-Family Support
Given the current crisis and widespread displacements, this is the preferred approach and invites donor organizations and donor families contribute to a common pool, with the F2F coordinating team selecting eligible recipients of the most affected population in each zone to ensure fair distribution of resources. The recipients’ full name, address and access would likely not be readily available and support would be channeled through a third party (community, local NGOs, etc.). The coordination team will identify the right recipients as prioritized by the local community leaders. While not ideal, the pooled family-to-family support allows F2F to immediately assist families in need without waiting for direct access to families to be available. This approach will only be implemented on a temporary basis until peace and communications are restored in Tigray and families become more stable and readily accessible
Direct Family-to-Family Support
Where possible, this is the preferred approach as it allows F2F to directly match a donor organization or a donor family with a recipient family. In this instance, the full name and contact information of the recipient family is provided to the donor and direct communication between the two is possible. At the moment, this approach would be mainly suitable for recipient families living in cities and accessible rural areas. As this group tends to be served by mainstream aid agencies, F2F will make sure to carefully select those among them those that are not already receiving such
support. Direct family-to-family support is particularly attractive as it encourages the creation of strong bonds and long-term relationships between donors and receiver families. It can also reduce transaction cost and time